RCET is one of the top engineering colleges in the Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu, serving its students with excellent resources. The college has built a reputation for high academic standards in all specialities of engineering, a true reflection of dedication and hard work. RCET is an ISO Certified Institution, founded by the great Industrialist and Philanthropist, Shri. K. Neela Marthandan and Dr N. Neela Vishnu, managing director. The main objective of RCET is to advance the knowledge base of the engineering professions and to influence the future directions of engineering education and practice.
As one of the top engineering colleges in Kanyakumari district, RCET is a contemporary and sophisticated multidisciplinary engineering college, that imparts quality education. RCET is mainly provided world-class quality technical education with strong ethical values. The college offers 6 Undergraduate (B.E. and B.Tech.) and 5 Postgraduate (M.Tech and MBA) programmes and PhD in Mechanical engineering.
RCET – the best engineering college in Kanyakumari district in Tamil Nadu has a fully air-conditioned auditorium, seminar/meeting halls that are fully equipped with modern equipment like projection and sound system which makes it fully capable to host important academic events, seminars and meetings. Another highlight is their library. Considering the demand and requirements, the management always makes sure that all the updated editions of the books should be there in the library. Not only books Computer labs are also there if students want to access those for their studies. This college’s academic excellence is reflected in its harmonious blend of infrastructure and its academic environment with a high-quality Library.
RCET has very good placements. Students can get placed in many companies with a good package. Intense training is given to students which helps them to get placed in top companies. Now if we make a list of the top Colleges in the Kanyakumari district, RCET tops the list as the best engineering college.